Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Stories and Author Interviews

Instead of having one Author of the month for September, we decided to commemorate a few authors that have written stories about this tragic yet inspiring day.  This is what they had to say…



Q. What made you decide to write a story about 9/11?

---My husband was talking about the French documentary about 9/11, and at the
time I was looking for something quick to write. Inspiration struck, and I
wrote the shot in two hours :)

Q. What was the most challenging aspect of writing about it?

---To make it as realistic as possible. I researched it a lot before writing.
Read a lot witness reports and statements.

Q. Did you have any personal inspiration behind your story?

---Not really. I was however in London when the bombings took place there, and
I remember the horror and the confusion. That definitely helped when I wrote.

Q. Can you tell us what you were doing when the news broke about the
Twin Towers?

---I was only fifteen at the time, and it was three PM in Sweden. I'd just
gotten home from school, and since English was always my favorite subject, I
usually watched American channels where there were no subtitles. This often
left me with CNN. That's what happened that day, and the first thing I saw was
a woman waving a piece of white fabric out the window. I will never forget
that image. There was no hope for her.

Q. How has that day impacted you personally?

---Can't say that it really has. I'm not religious, nor am I American. It
didn't really hit home, so to speak. Like I said, the bombings in London made
more impact since I lived there at the time, and I lived close to one of the
tube stations where one bomb went off. I'd say that the whole War On Terrorism
has effected me more than WTC. It was a tragedy, one that destroyed many, but
it wasn't until the war on terror began that Europe was more involved. And I
mean involved on a more personal note.

Q. What will you be doing on this September 11th?

---Nothing out of the ordinary. Thoughts go out to relatives, of course, but I
don't need a certain day for that.

Q. Anything else you would like to add about your experience of the day or
your story?

---Seriously? I'm going with complete honesty here. I don't really have much
else to say about WTC, but I do wish that my country would be more involved in
the war. Not enough countries are helping


Q. What made you decide to write a story about 9/11?

I was looking at a anonymous contest called the Post Secret Prompt Contest and one of the prompts was "Everyone who knew me before 9/11 thinks I'm dead." It was a compelling prompt, but a potentially dangerous one because of the subject matter. However, I had a plot bunny for the prompt that wouldn't go away and my beta talked me into it.

Q. What was the most challenging aspect of writing about it?

 The most challenging aspect of writing about the tragedy was doing it in a manner that would not offend someone and would do the best to portray what happened without glamorizing it or glossing over it for the sake of the plot.

Q. Did you have any personal inspiration behind your story?

 I did not have any personal inspiration behind my story as I did not lose anyone in the horrific event. However, I did think about what it would have been like to lose someone and also did extensive research to make sure that I was as accurate as I could be.

Q. Can you tell us what you were doing when the news broke about the Twin Towers?

When the news first broke about the initial impact, I was actually still asleep. My boyfriend's mother called us screaming and yelling about what had happened and, since we didn't have a working tv at that time, we rushed over to her house to see what was going on and I sat there in shock watching the rest of the events.

Q. How has that day impacted you personally?

 September 11, 2001 has personally impacted me by making me more wary of the dangers that are around us. I don't like that, but I think it is that way for many people now.

Q. What will you be doing on this September 11th?

 On September 11th this year, I will be spending the day with my boys before spending the night at work doing security.

Q. Anything else you would like to add about your experience of the day or your story?

When I wrote the story, I was scared of the reaction that people would have. My beta, preciosufairymom80, kept trying to reassure me, and she even cried when she beta'd it. Now, I'm very happy that I did write it but I don't think I'll write something like it again.

Amazenlove – Nicci & Jordan

Q: What made you decide to write a story about 9/11?
Jordan: the plot bunny attacked me...other than that it was completely random.
Nicci: Jordan came up with the idea and asked me if I wanted to write it with him. I thought I could bring some experience into it and I thought it was a good way to commemorate the event in our own way.

Q: What was the most challenging aspect of writing about it?
We would have to say, trying to capture the raw emotion of what they (victims / FDNY, NYPD & PA) must have felt and trying to recapture it through another point of view.

Q: Did you have any personal inspiration behind your story?
Nicci: I put a lot of firsthand experience into this story. Anything I’ve written, for Edward, has been the true story of my uncle, who is FDNY. He told me his story, and I conveyed what he went through and how he told us what happened. So, I had him in mind during the actual attack, in our story. So, yeah, my uncle inspired most of the emotion that Edward felt.

Q: Can you tell us what you were doing when the news broke about the twin towers?
Jordan: I was in school, 6th grade.
Nicci: I was in my car on my way to school when the first plane hit, it was all over the radio. By the time I got to school, the second plane hit and we were evacuated immediately.

Q: How has that day impacted you personally?
Nicci: I’ll never forget it, I lost some friends that day, and I almost lost quite a few family members. It changed my outlook on our city. People will never have the same sense of freedom anymore. Even now, ten years later, there’s no trust left. I think all New Yorkers feel like they lost something that day, even if it was their sense of familiarity, it’ll never be the same. Everyone is a victim.

Q: What will you be doing on this September 11th ?
Nicci: I was supposed to be going to a vigil at the firehouse, but I’m not sure I’ll be going, due to yet another terrorist threat, but I will be remembering everyone who was taken from us that day.

Q: Anything else you would like to add about your experience of the day or your story?
Jordan: Writing it has made it more real for me personally...I didn't know anyone who died that day, but having the characters that I've created go through this is almost like reliving this experience myself.
Nicci: I’ll never forget the way people came together. Friends, family, complete strangers… Everyone did whatever they could do help someone. It was amazing to see strength in numbers, it gave everyone hope and a sense of togetherness. So many people came from all over the country to help, and I think that was incredible. People really do have big hearts and it always shows in the darkest times. As for the story, I think that it resurrected all those feelings and brought the fear and the pain back to the surface. Writing this story is not easy, and I’ve spent a few hours crying after a writing session. It’s very hard to know firsthand and then try to convey the emotions so other people can level with them. But, I am grateful to have had the chance to get this out there, and I hope people can take something away from it, even if it’s as simple as understanding.

Sher Lynn

Q. What made you decide to write a story about 9/11?

I had a dream about it. What it would have been like for someone's loved one to be inside the towers. I could not get rid of the dream. It stayed with me for several days. Then I just started writing things down.
I have always liked those buildings and always wanted to go there.

Q. What was the most challenging aspect of writing about it?

 I'd say the most challenging part was trying to write it accurately. I read through at least 40 pages of survivor’s stories, and stories of what it was like inside the towers that morning. I wanted it realistic, but not as graphic as what I read.

Q. Did you have any personal inspiration behind your story?

 I didn't have a personal inspiration for writing it, other than the dream and really liking New York and wanting to go to the World Trade Center.

Q. Can you tell us what you were doing when the news broke about the Twin Towers?

 I was working at Burger King and these two customers were talking about it and I was like what.. where... and then I was talking to a customer at drive thru who was a businessman, and he was just talking to someone on the 86th floor of World Trade Center and he told me he was supposed to talk to him in an hour but never heard back from him.

At that time I was dating a guy who lived in New York so it was an emotional day for me.

 Q. How has that day impacted you personally?

It has made me realize that its best to live each day to the fullest, because you never know what may happen.

Q. What will you be doing on this September 11th?

 I will probably go to church and say a prayer for all those who lost loved ones and reflect on things.

Q. Anything else you would like to add about your experience of the day or your story?
None that I can think of.

Thanks to all of you for helping us keep the memory of those we lost alive in our own special way! 

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